2010, light installation, 248cm x 340cm
The installation consists of 1400 D-type drycells, 700 RGB LEDs, the necessary controling electric circuits and the required number of plastic bottles as coverring. The LEDs are all isulated from each other. Every each of them running with a different resistor, so they would use the energy stored in the battery in altering time. Even so (with different resistors) the units have same parameter elements, concerning the tone of the produced light and the frequency of the blinking there is no two identical light spot in the system. There is a countinous changing in colour temperature of the LEDs as the batteries are been used up.This changing is going faster in the ones which use more energy and slower in the ones which use less. With the decriseing of energy, the ligt is changing in the direction of the colder ligt temperatures (to the „warmer colours”). The red colour and the infrared radiation is emitting on the lowest energy levels and on the highest wavelenghs. This tipe of EM radiation is sputtering the least in air. This global phenomena is simmilar to the nebular red-shift which we know from the starts.
The installation consists of 1400 D-type drycells, 700 RGB LEDs, the necessary controling electric circuits and the required number of plastic bottles as coverring. The LEDs are all isulated from each other. Every each of them running with a different resistor, so they would use the energy stored in the battery in altering time. Even so (with different resistors) the units have same parameter elements, concerning the tone of the produced light and the frequency of the blinking there is no two identical light spot in the system. There is a countinous changing in colour temperature of the LEDs as the batteries are been used up.This changing is going faster in the ones which use more energy and slower in the ones which use less. With the decriseing of energy, the ligt is changing in the direction of the colder ligt temperatures (to the „warmer colours”). The red colour and the infrared radiation is emitting on the lowest energy levels and on the highest wavelenghs. This tipe of EM radiation is sputtering the least in air. This global phenomena is simmilar to the nebular red-shift which we know from the starts.